• Conservare la materia prima
  • Mantenere la qualità del latte
  • Tris Milkweb
  • Camion Raccolta
  • Tastiera Lattoprelevatore



The new “Lattoprelevatore” Milk Box is the universal, multi-purpose and programmable tool, apt to all the requirements of the milk collection, of the representative sampling and the transport recording, beyond the Traceability of the Certified Supply Chain.Read More →



MilkWeb is the modern solution for the Milk Collection. With this application, all the heavy operations related to the printing and recording of the data adopted by the “Menalatte” today, are simplified in a few clicks.

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Product Plus

  1. 1
    Representative sampling
    The Milk Box “Lattoprelevatore” allows to collect representative samples of every kind of milk, thanks to an exclusive sampling algorithm.
    It can collect from the first to the last milk litre of any mass, during the transfer from a container to another, even without agitation, and in the presence of fat rising, guaranteeing objectivity and equity to the small amount of the milk collected in the bottle, destined to the following Laboratory analysis, to safeguard of Public Health and against food adulteration, according to the requisites, foreseen by Norm UNI/ISO 10746/1999.
  2. 2
    No risk of dragging
    Thanks to the sampling made with Milk Box “Lattoprelevatore”, samples free from dragging will be obtained, and risks of contamination from a sample to the following will be eliminated.In fact, automatic cleaning of the peristaltic dosers, which see to the sampling, through the “delay” functions at the beginning, together with the “flush” at the end of sampling, ensure the complete cleaning of the tool, actually eliminating the dragging effect.
  3. 3
    Solid and reliable
    The Milk Box “Lattoprelevatore” is built to last in time. Designed to be installed on board of milk collecting vehicles, its reliability and simplicity of use have allowed its spread even in the reception and sending sections in plants. The circulating pool, used with satisfaction for more than 25 years, is suited to continuous and available technological updates.
  4. 4
    Product Chain Traceability
    The Milk Box “Lattoprelevatore”, and the MilkWeb Program, together and/or separately, allow, in a few clicks, the traceability of the whole milk chain, the immediate and practical recording of all the milk collection data (load/unload/movements), together with the acquisition of automatic pieces of information, such as the satellite coordinates, loading date and hour, the covered routes, the quantity, the temperature, the pH, the compartment or the silo.
    The instant communication to the Producers of the analysis, the summons, and the bill sending, will make easier and cheaper the milk quality certification, and more timely and focused the assistance to the producer, where it’s needed, diminishing the resource waste.
  5. 5
    Optimized milk Collection
    With the MilkWeb program, all the data about the Milk Collection will soon be available and exploitable, to all the chain operators, directly in the business systems IT, through the Cloud, made available by GIRO TECH, so eliminating time and transcription mistakes, beyond the other heavy hand practices currently used, and increasing efficiency and independence.
    The modern Milk Office, the Laboratory, the Production and the Logistic and Administrative Office will so have gathered in a single tool the integral and timely control of raw matter, besides the circling fleet, immediately controlling quality, quantity and milk flows, in order to improve business efficiency, and considerably increasing the processed productivity.

  6. 6

    The Milk Box “Lattoprelevatore” and the MilkWeb Program are complementary to each other, and can however be used independently from each other, making up the most convenient solution, in order to increase the performance and frameworks, in all the sections of the Dairy Business, above all in the Milk/ Administrative/Logistics and Production Offices.
    The solid and eclectic development design of our tools and software makes them configurable and expandable, in order to fulfill the special requests of every client of ours.




We assist our customers in all the installation and starting up phases, ansuring competence and availability to help you limit the times for capacity and improve the functioning of the whole system.
For Further Information



GIRO TECH srl is promoting of cross-functional meetings by the productive businesses of their clients; the proposal is wide and diversified.
At the end of the course, all the attendees will be given the licence, after a short exam with a comprehension test.
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Lattoprelevatore Milk Box